A simplified fuel handling system design for the demonstration Japan sodium-cooled fast reactor (JSFR) has been proposed. Fast Reactor Cycle Technology Development project phase I results of key technology evaluations on a pantograph fuel handling machine (FHM), a fuel transfer pot with two core component positions, dry spent fuel cleaning and minor actinide-bearing fresh fuel shipping cask are summarized. A full-scale FHM mockup has been fabricated and tested in the air accumulating performance and seismic tolerance data. A mockup fuel transfer pot with fins and chromium carbide coating has been fabricated and tested with sodium accumulating heat transfer performance data. Several sodium cleaning tests using a dummy subassembly has been conducted accumulating cleaning performance data. For fresh fuel shipping cask, a design tool for evaluation of heat transfer capability has been developed and a helium gas cask shows cooling capability of minor actinide-bearing fresh fuel. Those experimental and analytical efforts have shown that key technologies to develop simplified fuel handling system are matured enough to proceed large-scale sodium experiments and conceptual design study for the demonstration JSFR.