The research rat of the future allows experimentation without the manipulation of the real (physical) world. This is the cutting edge of modelling technology (John Spencer)
Chapter OverviewThe complex nature of heterogeneous material fillers either in a single or multi matrix composite structure provides a daunting challenge to scientists and engineering practitioners, in determining the effective thermal and electrical properties of the composite. A priory in modelling the thermal properties of these emerging materials that define the materials of the 4 th industrial revolution is important to make them suitable for broad engineering applications. This class of problems are inherently Multiphysics; fortunately, we now have tools that couple diverse and complex phenomena to reduce dependency on building prototypes during the new material conception phase. This approach provides research engineers array of tools to build a digital twin of the "would be" particulate materials and calculate its thermal and electrical properties from fundamental principles. Modelling and simulation divided broadly into 2 class: empirical and fundamental. Empirical modelling is data-driven, supported by data analysis and statistics.Whereas, fundamental modelling uses the laws of evidence driven by set of conservation equations (for example Fourier Law, Maxwell Law etc.). As a starting point, empirical models assist the modeller organise and interpret data, providing useful quantitative relationships. Fundamental models provide applicable theory and new understanding, both qualitatively and quantitatively, facilitating further development and efficient management of knowledge. In this chapter, we will provide a Multiphysics approach for estimating the thermal and electrical properties of multi-filler and multi-matrix particulate composites with strong complement from experimental modelling.