In the article research results are presented, which aim to verification of thermal models in the design of personal protective equipment against cold. Under the effect of wind, movement, and pressure of the human being himself on the clothing, the design thermal resistance of the clothing decreases and does not provide the stable human comfort. To eliminate such risks, special heated garments are being developed, which are fitted with electric batteries. The basis for such a development is the mathematical model of the system “Human-Clothes-Environment”, which allows to establish the main parameters of the heating intensity of each individual section of the clothing, taking into account the overall functioning of the system. Such a model has been developed. The problems of verification of thermal models for designing if the clothing are associated with the assessment of experimental data on the parameters of the system under study. A structure for the formation of a method for experimental verification of the models of thermal protective clothing has been developed. Design of experimental protective clothing against cold with heating based on a mathematical model has been developed. The ratio of feelings of thermal comfort and temperature under heated clothing of small thickness under wind load, cold and lack of physical activity has been installed.