The in-plane resistivity and thermal conductivity of the heavy-fermion superconductor Ce 2 PdIn 8 single crystals were measured down to 50 mK. A field-induced quantum critical point, occurring at the upper critical field H c2 , is demonstrated from the ðTÞ $ T near H c2 and ðTÞ $ T 2 when further increasing the field. The large residual linear term 0 =T at zero field and the rapid increase of ðHÞ=T at low field give evidence for nodal superconductivity in Ce 2 PdIn 8 . The jump of ðHÞ=T near H c2 suggests a first-order-like phase transition at low temperature. These results mimic the features of the famous CeCoIn 5 superconductor, implying that Ce 2 PdIn 8 may be another interesting compound to investigate for the interplay between magnetism and superconductivity. The interplay between magnetism and superconductivity has been a central issue for heavy-fermion superconductors [1], high-T c cuprates [2], and iron pnictides [3]. Among them, one particularly interesting case is the heavy-fermion superconductor CeCoIn 5 , with T c ¼ 2:3 K at ambient pressure [4]. Its superconducting gap has d-wave symmetry [5,6]. While there is no static magnetism in CeCoIn 5 at zero field, a field-induced antiferromagnetic (AF) quantum critical point (QCP) has been clearly demonstrated by resistivity and specific heat measurements [7,8]. Initially, it was very puzzling why the AF QCP is located right at the upper critical field H c2 .Meanwhile, the observations of first-order phase transition at low temperature and H c2 and a second magnetization and specific heat anomaly well inside the superconducting state have been interpreted as the signature of a Fulde-Ferrell-Larkin-Ovchinnikov (FFLO) superconducting state [5,[9][10][11][12]. The novel FFLO state with broken spatial symmetry was predicted in the 1960s [13,14], but it has never been experimentally verified before. The possible FFLO state at the low-temperaturehigh-field (LTHF) corner of the H À T phase diagram of CeCoIn 5 has stimulated extensive studies [15].More recently, NMR, neutron scattering, and muon spin rotation ( SR) experiments have provided clear evidence for a field-induced magnetism in this LTHF part of the phase diagram [16][17][18][19][20][21]. It was identified as a spin-density wave (SDW) order with an incommensurate modulation Q ¼ ð0:44; 0:44; 0:5Þ. Interestingly, this SDW order disappears in the normal state above H c2 , showing that magnetic order and superconductivity in CeCoIn 5 are directly coupled [16,17]. While this has nicely explained the field-induced AF QCP at H c2 [7,8], the physical origin of this LTHF superconducting Q phase is still under debate. For example, Yanase and Sigrist have suggested that the incommensurate SDW order is stabilized in the FFLO state by the appearance of the Andreev bound state localized around the zeros of the FFLO order parameter [22]. Aperis, Varelogiannis, and Littlewood have argued that the Q phase is a pattern of coexisting condensates: a d-wave singlet superconducting state, a staggered -triplet superconducting s...