Recent XMM-Newton observations of the cooling flow in M87 indicate sharply decreasing oxygen, iron, and silicon abundances within ∼5 kpc of the galactic center. This result is unexpected since stellar mass loss and Type Ia supernovae are expected to produce pronounced central abundance maxima for all three elements. However, it has been suggested that many of the strong X-ray lines are optically thick and diffuse to larger radii in the cooling flow before escaping, falsifying the central abundances. We verify with radiation transfer calculations that this effect does indeed occur in the M87 cooling flow but that it is insufficient to account for the M87 observations. We suggest that some source of continuous opacity is required to reduce the central X-ray line emission, perhaps by warm gas at K. The radial surface brightness profiles of X-ray resonance lines 5 6T ∼ 10 -10 are also sensitive to turbulence in cooling flows, which reduces the line center optical depths considerably. Turbulence may provide sufficient energy to continuously heat the warm absorbing gas. Subject headings: cooling flows -galaxies: elliptical and lenticular, cD -galaxies: ISM -X-rays: galaxies -X-rays: galaxies: clustersThis estimate of the diffusion of X-ray line photons in M87 has been motivated by the exceptionally low abundances of iron, silicon, and oxygen within ∼5 kpc of the center of M87 as recently observed by Böhringer et al. (2001) with XMMNewton. We explore the possibility that these abundance variations are artifacts of the outward diffusion of optically thick X-ray lines as suggested by Gil'franov, Sunyaev, & Churazov (1987), Tawara et al. (1997), Shigeyama (1998), andBöhringer et al. (2001). We find that the expected outward migration of line photons does occur but is insufficient to account for the central photon depletion observed. Instead, an additional source of continuous absorption is indicated, as suggested by Buote (2001), and we speculate about its physical nature. Before discussing our results, we begin with a review of the properties of the M87 cooling flow and describe our line transfer calculation.
VARIATION OF GAS TEMPERATURE AND DENSITYThe electron density distribution in the M87 cooling flow is taken from Nulsen & Böhringer (1995), corrected to distance 17 Mpc ( kpc): density distribution is based on ROSAT HRI observations reported in Böhringer (1999). Since the central X-ray emission in M87 is known to be partly nonthermal (and time variable), this latter density determination may be uncertain. Nevertheless, in the following we assume that is given by the n (r) e maximum of and , which intersect at 11.9 kpc.The (single-phase) gas temperature distribution is found by combining the results of Böhringer et al. (2001) ; all radii are in units of . This temperature profile rises 0.22 r e from the center toward a broad maximum, similar to thermal profiles in other well-observed bright elliptical galaxy cooling flows (Brighenti & Mathews 1997). The location of the temperature maximum in M87 is at an u...