A method is described to deliver 2MU to tumors; the isotope would then be fissioned by incident neutrons, producing localized lethal radiation sufficient for therapy. Apoferritin was loaded with an average of =400 2mU atoms per molecule. Stability of the loaded apoferritin in solution was improved, so that only 8% loss of uranium occurred after 8 days at pH 7. Fab' antibody fragments were covalently attached to the uranium-loaded apoferritin, and the immunoreactivity of the conjugate was 92% of that for antibody alone. Such bio-uranium constructions should provide significant advantages over boronated antibodies to meet the requirements for clinical neutron-capture therapy.Neutron capture is a promising methodology for cancer therapy. Boron is the usual element used, but a system using uranium, as described here, may have significant advantages. Boron neutron-capture therapy is based upon localizing 10B in a tumor and irradiation with slow neutrons (1). Upon neutron absorption, 10B disintegrates to 7Li and an a particle, and these ionizing particles can kill cells. Three approaches have been used in boron neutron-capture therapy: (i) use of boron compounds that localize in tumors (2); (ii) use ofboron compounds that have specific metabolic uptake in tumor cells (3); and (iii) use of boron coupled to anti-tumor antibodies. Based upon antibody sites per tumor cell (105-106) and the concentration of boron necessary for therapy (>15 ppm), it has been estimated that 41000 boron atoms per antibody are required (4). This result has been difficult to achieve, and although recent progress has been made (5), no in vivo localization of the required amount of 10B has been demonstrated. Studies have shown that solid carcinomas exhibit a heterogeneous pattern of antibody distribution (different amounts of antibodies on different cells), have variable vascularity that could limit antibody uptake (6), and show poor penetration of antibodies beyond a few cell layers (7). Because the a and Li particles have a range ofonly about one cell, delivery of boron may be insufficient to many tumor cells.To circumvent some of the problems with boron, uranium may be used instead; this was proposed some 51 yr ago (8).235U has a neutron fission cross section that is 6.6 times lower than the 10B neutron-capture cross section (Table 1). However, a slow neutron splits the nucleus to two heavy charged ions producing 200 MeV, which is 71.4 times greater than the 10B breakup energy. The fission fragments of 235U have a longer range, giving a volume advantage of -8.4 over 10B.Another factor is the effectiveness of these particles in sterilizing cells. Although the 235U fission fragments deposit an average of -28 times more energy per am (measured in keV/pm or linear energy transfer), their effectiveness is not greater by this factor because at some level a cell is killed; further energy deposition is then of no value. Measurements using heavy-ion accelerators impinging on cells have yielded some data on the effectiveness of high linear energ...