A survey of the morphological and hydrological characteristics of the lake and analysis of the species composition, abundance, and biomass of phytoplankton, phytoperiphyton, zooplankton, and zoobenthos were carried out as a part of the complex study for establishing a new protected area “Lake Pizanets”. The effect of natural and anthropogenic factors on the hydrochemical regime and structure of aquatic ecosystems of the lake was assessed. The trophic status of the lake, its saprobity, and the significance of particular communities and bioindication indices were estimated. The species composition and dominant species of the studied communities of the lake were quite typical for freshwater bodies of the region. Despite the fact that the abundance and biomass of macrozoobenthos turned out to be lower than in other lakes of Eastern Fennoscandia, generally, the abundance and biomass of phytoplankton, phytoperiphyton, zooplankton, and zoobenthos evidenced on relatively high degree of their development in the lake Pizanets, as well as on their activity and stability. At the same time, the species, forming the communities, differed in size noticeably; therefore, significant discrepancies were found between the lists of taxa dominating by abundance and by biomass. The biotic indices and hydrochemical indicators indicated mainly a low degree of pollution, so the lake waters could be classified as belonging to water purity class II. Nowadays, the lake is not affected by significant anthropogenic load. However, according to the program of establishing new protected areas, further control of the hydrobiological and hydrochemical indicators of the reservoir, as well as its inclusion in the environmental monitoring program is undoubtful.