Mahalgaon is a village in Kamptee Taluka, Nagpur district of Maharashtra state, India. Most of the village formers from this village are engaged in vegetable cultivation and the village serves as one of the main supplier of vegetables required in the Nagpur market. All the fields and farms of this region are irrigated by the Nag river water which is highly polluted by urban waste and heavy metals. The purpose of this study was to study the bioaccumulation of heavy metals i.e. Cu, Mn, Fe, Zn, Ni and Pb in Water, Soil and Vegetables irrigated by Nag River water and to evaluate the level of bioaccumulation of the metals by the different vegetables. For this study five farms were selected in the Mahalgaon region. Each farm was situated near the bank of Nag River. The sampling was carried out according to grab method as given in APHA for the sampling of water, soil and vegetables. The concentration of heavy metals (Cu, Mn, Fe, Zn, Ni, Pb) were analyzed using Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (AAS). It was found that in water the concentration of Iron and zinc was highest whereas conc. of Nickel and lead was lowest. The concentration of Fe and Zn in the soil samples was very high compared to the WHO/FAO maximum permissive limits while the concentrations of Cu and Mn were slightly above the permissible limits. The concentration of Pb and Ni were below the detection limits in soil. On the other hand in all the vegetables, the concentration of heavy metals was higher than the WHO/FAO permissible limits. the soil-plant transfer factor of different heavy metals shows the following order-TFZn> TF Fe >TF Cu >TF Ni >TF Mn >TF Pb .