Investigations are made of helicon wave propagation in semiconducting BiSb alloys.The measurements were carried out a t measuring frequencies between 28 and 40 GHz and a t a temperature of 4.2K in magnetic fields between 0 and 15 kG. The obtainedchargecarrier concentrations are in very good agreement with the values obtained from the directcurrent Hall effect. The influence of the displacement current on the dispersion of helicon waves is evidenced. Finally the angle dependence of the field values of the spatial resonances is discussed, which results when the magnetic field is rotated out of the direction of the surface normal.Die Heliconwellenausbreitung in halbleitenden BiSb-Legierungen wird untersucht. Die Messungen werden bei MeBfrequenzen zwischen 28 und 40 GHz und bei der Temperatur von 4,2 K in einem Magnetfeldbereich von 0 bis 15 kG durchgefuhrt. Die erheltenen Ladungstragerkonzentrationen stimmen sehr gut mit den aus dem Gleichstromhalleffekt erhaltenen Werten uberein. Der EinfluB des Verschiebungsstromes auf die Dispersion der Heliconwellen wird nachgewiesen. AbschlieBend wird die Winkelabhingigkeit der Feldwerte der rkumlichen Resonanzen diskutiert, die sich bei Drehung des Magnetfeldes aus der Oberflachennormalen ergibt.
IritroduetionThe propagation of weakly attenuated, circularly polarized electromagnetic waves in non-compensated metals and semiconductors in the presence of a high longitudinal magnetic field is a well-known phenomenon. Depending on the strength of the magnetic field, two contrarily circularly polarized waves can occur in the solid plasma; according to [1] they are called helicons and counter helicon waves, respectively.The measurement of helicon wave propagation opens a possibility of determining the charge-carrier concentration by high-frequency techniques, and thus provides an excellent complement to the determination of the parameters of isoenergetic surfaces of the material (1) is satisfied. This condition can be met by the samples already for relatively low magnetic field strengths (for B = 1 kG, W,T > lo2).