Television news research has been-carried out in Europe since the 1950s. Much of this work has focused on the informational impact of television news on the audience. Public opinion surveys over many years have indicated that ordinary citizens regard television as their main source of news. Television news is the most trusted news source and, in addition to being regarded as the most important source of national and international news, has in recent times begun to mount a serious challenge to newspapers on the local news front.Despite the faith which individuals have placed in television in general as a news provider, there are occasions when that trust does wane. The accuracy and impartiality of television reporting has been challenged by the public or by sub-sections of the public in relation to its treatment of specific events or issues. Moreover, although perceived as the most significant news source, audience memory and comprehension of televised news is often very poor.In relation to all these matters of public perception, learning and understanding, there are important issues of research methodology to be considered. Research evidence on audience reactions to television news cannot all be accepted at face value. Data quality in television news research can vary and the conclusions drawn from specific studies are not invariably warranted or substantiated by the data obtained.The aims of this paper will be to examine past evidence and research trends, offer some opinions about the quality of research evidence, and assess whether real advances in our understanding of the public's involvement with and reliance on televised news have been made. In so far as gaps in our knowledge have been identified by researchers at different points in time, what steps have been taken to plug them? Are there particular methodological developments which would appear to hold the most promise, and are there methodologies still in use which ought to be dropped or modified? Can the success and failures of history point the way to fruitful lines of enquiry for the future?Communications 24 (1999) 1 Brought to you by | University of Queensland -UQ Library Authenticated Download Date | 6/23/15 2:28 AM