Nifedipine induces a potent vasodilating and antihypertensive effect in man through a calciumantagonistic action. The drug was tested alone and in combination with methyidopa in 23 subjects with uncomplicated primary severe hypertension (diastolic pressure > 120 mm Hg) in a short-and long-term therapeutic trial. Hourly pressure readings during the short-term period showed that the antihypertensive response to nifedipine (10 mg orally) is maximal within 40 minutes and lasts for 8-12 hours. When nifedipine is administered every 6 hours the tendency of blood pressure to rise after each dose is repressed by the next dose, so that pressure remains significantly reduced throughout the 24 hours; when methyidopa is combined (250 mg four times daily) blood pressure is further reduced toward normal, without significant fluctuations during the day. After 10 days of drug combination, the antihypertensive response was mediated through reduction of peripheral vascular resistance associated with increase in cardiac output. Renal function was unchanged or improved and sodium retention and plasma volume expansion were not promoted. In six patients with very severe hypertension (diastolic pressure > 140 mm Hg) complicated by cardiac failure, a dosing regimen every 4 hours of the two compounds promptly relieved dyspnea and lung congestion and, within 2-3 days, stabilized blood pressure to an average of 150/98 mm Hg. Persistence of the antihypertensive efficacy of this drug combination in a dosing regimen every 6 hours and its beneficial effects on heart size, ECG and fundi were documented in 22 subjects (four of whom belonged to the decompensated group) who completed a 12-month follow-up. A tendency in seven cases to ankle pitting or edema was the major side effect of nifedipine; the cause of this effect remains obscure. NIFEDIPINE specifically inhibits the penetration of extracellular calcium through the cell membrane and the inflow of Ca++ ions from the binding sites of the sarcoplasmic reticulum into the cell plasma where ATPase of the myofibrils is located. This effect prevents splitting of ATP for the energy-delivering process of smooth-muscle contraction. One of the consequences in man of this pharmacologic property is systemic vasodilatation, which generally induces profound blood pressure fall when pressure is excessively elevated. On this basis, several investigators have explored the use of nifedipine in the acute and chronic management of hypertension.'-' A short-term therapeutic trial carried out by our group3 showed that in primary hypertensive subjects the hypotensive response to a 10-mg oral dose is maximal within less than 1 hour and proportional to the baseline level of systemic vascular resistance; after maximal fall, pressure tends to recover and approaches the control levels in the subsequent 8-12 hours; a dosing regimen every 6 hours significantly reduces blood pressure over the 24 hours, although some fluctuation occurs owing to the rate of decay of the vasodilating effect; the hemodynamics of the pressure fal...