Urban forests play an important role in reducing the impact of pollutants in the air, such as carbon dioxide (CO2). Plants can absorb several kinds of pollutants, so they can play a role in cleaning the air from air pollution. Air pollution can also affect the morphology and anatomy of the leaves, such as chlorosis and necrosis. Thus, this study was conducted to characterize the morphology, stomata anatomy, and physiology of the Tectona grandis and Gmelina arborea tree species in their potential as CO2 pollutant absorbers in the Urban Forest of Hasanuddin University Tamalanrea Makassar. The method used was an analysis of leaves morphology characterization, longitudinal leaves stomata characterization using nail polish containing acetone, analysis of leaves chlorophyll content, and CO2 absorption; the data were analyzed descriptively. The results showed that the characteristics of leaves morphology leaves, stomata, and leaves chlorophyll content affected the absorption of CO2 pollutants in each type of tree. Tectona grandis has thick leaves morphology characteristics, roughly hairy leaves surface, leaves size 298.42 cm per leaves blade, abaxial stomata number 80.000 stomata/mm2, stomata size 80.390 µm, chlorophyll a 0.016 mg/g, chlorophyll b 0.104 mg/g, and ability of CO2 absorption of leaves was 0.0138x10-4 g/cm2. Gmelina arborea has thin leaves morphological characteristics, smooth leaves surface, leaves the size of 165.726 cm per leaves blade, several abaxial stomata of 488.667 stomata/mm2, stomata size of 77.537 µm, chlorophyll a 0.015 mg/g, chlorophyll b 0.083 mg/g, and ability of CO2 absorption of leaves were 0.0441x10-4 g/cm2.