The article presents a clinical case of chronic hepatitis of alimentary origin in a domestic dog of the Labrador Retriever breed, aged 1.5 years. General depression, hyporexia, intermittent morning vomiting, and diarrhea have been reported clinically. According to the anamnesis data, violations of the animal's lifelong feeding regime were established, as well as non-compliance with the rules of preventive deworming and dosing of drugs. The study in a sick dog showed a slight increase in body temperature (39.5 °C); heart rate and respiration were within normal limits. Palpation did not detect liver tenderness, but the animal's anxiety was recorded when palpating the abdomen. The obtained results were confirmed by ultrasonography. Thus, well-defined contours (edges) of the liver were visualized. The obtained results were confirmed by ultrasonographic examination. Thus, it visualized the enlargement of the liver and rounding of the edges of the body. The echostructure of the body is uneven. The gallbladder was round, with a thickening of the walls, and contained biliary sludge. Increased visualization of hepatic vessels was characteristic. Functional changes in liver function have been established. In a sick dog's serum, the total protein content was 78.3 g/l. A study of total bilirubin revealed a significant increase (9.5 μmol/l). Transaminase activity increased almost 1.7 times and corresponded to 97.0 IU/l (ALT) and 76.3 IU/l (AST). GHTP and alkaline phosphatase activity also underwent upward changes (8,7 and 8,3 IU/l, respectively). The urine had a rich orange color; at the same time, it was cloudy, the consistency was watery and foamy, and the smell was nonspecific/unpleasant. Determination of chemical properties of urine showed: the presence of proteins, urobilinogen; bilirubin; while glucose and ketones - were negative. Single leukocytes were detected by sediment microscopy. Thus, considering the data obtained from a comprehensive study of a sick animal, it can be noted that the final diagnosis in Labrador Retriever dogs is chronic hepatitis. To correct the pathological condition, a scheme of pharmacotherapy was drawn up, which consisted of drugs to restore liver cells' functioning, reduce body intoxication, and improve metabolism. At the same time, a diet (Royal Canin Hepatic Dog) was introduced, with mandatory adherence to the feeding regime.