The introduction of multimedia learning tools has become possible because of the influence of environmental factors: sociological, technological, economic, and political. The recent changes in the external environment have contributed to the widespread introduction of multimedia in the organization of education: in the social environment there is an interest in communicating through a computer in social networks, the creation of powerful computers, interactive tools provide the teacher with a new tool, changes in the legal framework in the field of education also accelerates the introduction of multimedia, including the use of electronic library system. However, along with the positive factors of the use of multimedia, there are additional problems. This is because additional training is required of teachers and students of very significant acquisition costs of technical training, content and maintenance of software and technical training. The article proposes a method of cost-effective increase of multimedia use by creating a special educational environment in the study group. E. Matthew’s theory of human relations states that people work more productively if they feel attention from the management. Curators of training groups should contribute to the creation of an educational environment in the group. To do this, it is necessary to study the features of each student, create conditions for the implementation of features, identify informal leaders, create small groups that will organize mutual assistance in the use of multimedia tools by leveling the level of training in computer science, and reduce the fear of large amounts of information.