Sense of place relates to the identity of a place or unique characteristics that create meanings for the people who experience it. This situation has the potential to initiate and enhance a person's attachment to a place and can be strengthened by the functioning of the human senses which can see, hear, smell, and feel everything that happens around them. In this context, this study explores sense of place in Pasar Baru Bandung by involving the human senses, notably visual, tactile, olfactory, gustatory and auditory.This research employ field trips, in-depth observations, interviews, photo elicitation as well as direct experiences on-site to generate information and meaning. It employs a qualitative approach involving experience as related to phenomenology. Field trips involved making sketches to record the memories of the experiences at Pasar Baru Bandung. Theory of sense of place is employed to analyse and understand identity, which is no longer determined by its appearance, but also by the values and meanings.It focuses on discussing sense of place from the experiences of the author as well as the informants around the Pasar Baru Bandung area with the research scope, which is inside the building of Pasar Baru and the West, South, North and front of the Pasar Baru building.The study found that sense of place is not usually linked with anything visually beautiful, tidy, nice, or clean, but rather with efforts to survive, maintain life, and continue to feed the soul with varied local typical activities of a place. Based on this, the research presents an understanding of sense of place through the experiences at Pasar Baru Bandung. It also provides knowledge about sustainable local Indonesian values.