Metamorphism is a technique that mutates the binary code using different obfuscations and never keeps the same sequence of opcodes in the memory. This stealth technique provides the capability to a malware for evading detection by simple signature-based (such as instruction sequences, byte sequences and string signatures) anti-malware programs. In this paper, we present a new scheme named Annotated Control Flow Graph (ACFG) to efficiently detect such kinds of malware. ACFG is built by annotating CFG of a binary program and is used for graph and pattern matching to analyse and detect metamorphic malware. We also optimize the runtime of malware detection through parallelization and ACFG reduction, maintaining the same accuracy (without ACFG reduction) for malware detection. ACFG proposed in this paper: (i) captures the control flow semantics of a program; (ii) provides a faster matching of ACFGs and can handle malware with smaller CFGs, compared with other such techniques, without compromising the accuracy; (iii) contains more information and hence provides more accuracy than a CFG. Experimental evaluation of the proposed scheme using an existing dataset yields malware detection rate of 98.9% and false positive rate of 4.5%.