Short amino acid motifs, either linear sequences or discontinuous amino acid groupings, can interact with specific protein domains, so exerting a central role in cell adhesion, signal transduction, hormone activity, regulation of transcript expression, enzyme activity, and antigen-antibody interaction. Here, we analyze the literature for such critical short amino acid motifs to determine the minimal peptide length involved in biologically important interactions. We report the pentapeptide unit as a common minimal amino acid sequence critically involved in peptide-protein interaction and immune recognition. The present survey may have implications in defining the dimensional module for peptide-based therapeutical approaches such as the development of novel antibiotics, enzyme inhibitors/activators, mimetic agonists/antagonists of neuropeptides, thrombolitic agents, specific anti-viral agents, etc. In such a therapeutical context, it is of considerable interest that low molecular weight peptides can easily cross biological barriers, are less susceptible to protease attacks, and can be administered at high concentrations. In addition, small peptides are a rational target for strategies aimed at antigen-specific immunotherapeutical intervention. As an example, specific short peptide fragments might be used to elicit antibodies capable of reacting with the full-length proteins containing the peptide fragment's amino acid sequence, so abolishing the risk of cross-reactivity.