The past decade has seen a wealth of new data on the auditory capabilities and mechanisms of ¢shes. We now have a signi¢cantly better appreciation of the structure and function of the auditory system in ¢shes with regard to their peripheral and central anatomy, physiology, behaviour, sound source localization and hearing capabilities. This paper deals with two of the newest of these ¢ndings, hair cell heterogeneity and the detection of ultrasound. As a result of this recent work, we now know that ¢shes have several di¡erent types of sensory hair cells in both the ear and lateral line and there is a growing body of evidence to suggest that these hair cell types arose very early in the evolution of the octavolateralis system. There is also some evidence to suggest that the di¡erences in the hair cell types have functional implications for the way the ear and lateral line of ¢shes detect and process stimuli. Behavioural studies have shown that, whereas most ¢shes can only detect sound to 1^3 kHz, several species of the genus Alosa (Clupeiformes, i.e. herrings and their relatives) can detect sounds up to 180 kHz (or even higher). It is suggested that this capability evolved so that these ¢shes can detect one of their major predators, echolocating dolphins. The mechanism for ultrasound detection remains obscure, though it is hypothesized that the highly derived utricle of the inner ear in these species is involved.