State-of-the-art as-received (112)B CdZnTe substrates were examined for surface impurity contamination, polishing damage, and tellurium precipitates/ inclusions. A maximum surface impurity concentration of Al = 7.5 9 10 14 , Si = 3.7 9 10 13 , Cl = 3.12 9 10 15 , S = 1.7 9 10 14 , P = 7.1 9 10 13 , Fe = 1.0 9 10 13 , Br = 1.9 9 10 12 , and Cu = 4 9 10 12 atoms cm À2 was observed on an asreceived 6 9 6 cm wafer. As-received CdZnTe substrates have scratches and residual polishing grit on the (112)B surface. Polishing scratches are 0.3 nm in depth and 0.1 lm wide. The polishing grit density was observed to vary from wafer-to-wafer from $5 9 10 6 to 2 9 10 8 cm À2 . Te precipitate/inclusion size and density was determined by near-infrared automated microscopy. A Te precipitate/inclusion diameter histogram was obtained for the near-surface (top $140 lm) of a 6 9 6 cm substrate. The average areal Te precipitate/inclusion density was observed to be fairly uniform. However, there was a large density of Te precipitates/inclusions with a diameter significantly greater than the mean. Te precipitate/inclusion density>10 lm diameter = 2.8 9 10 3 cm À3 . The large Te precipitates/inclusions are laterally non-uniformly distributed across the wafer.