Text 1. Existing ML-based wetland CH 4 upscaling products (Peltola et al., 2019) upscaled monthly CH4 fluxes for the Arctic-boreal freshwater wetland in 2013-3014 at 0.25°-0.5° spatial resolution with three temporal variables including MODIS LST at night, snow cover, and potential radiation, as well as a static binary permafrost map. The training data composed 488 monthly data records from 25 EC tower sites, spanning 2005 -2016 upscaled monthly CH4 fluxes for global freshwater wetland in 2001-2018 at 0.25° with air temperature (with and without a 2-week lag), MODIS EVI with a 3-week lag, mean temperature of the driest quarter, precipitation of the wettest month, and vegetation canopy height (Simard et al., 2011). Meteorological data was from WorldClim (Fick & Hijmans, 2017). The training data consisted of 6,210 weekly observations between 2006 and 2018 acquired from 43 EC sites.
Text 2. Tower EC flux dataThe base of our EC data collection stems from a publicly available global synthesis coordination of FLUXNET-CH4, which includes 79 EC tower sites (42 are freshwater wetland sites) and 293 site-years of data. We collected both daily and half-hourly data from 44 sites in the Arctic-boreal region (>45° N), accounting for 167 site years as our base dataset, to which we added data from 6 new sites (31 site-years) and added additional data to 9 existing sites (21 site-years) contributed by site PIs (Table S2). In total, we assembled data from 50 EC tower sites in northern latitudes (219 site-years), of which 33 are from wetlands (155 site-years), with 13 wet tundra sites, 11 fens, and 9 bogs. Data entries with missing data in gridded predictors were excluded, including 5 wetland sites (FI-LOM, DE-SFN, RU-SAM, RU-VRK, SE-ST1) where data was collected before SMAP data was available. Another 2 sites (CA-BOU, RU-COK) were excluded after quality control. After quality filtering, data from 26 wetland sites were used for analysis (Table S2). Half-hourly data obtained from FLUXNET-CH4 were gap-filled following the FLUXNET protocols (Pastorello et al., 2020). Specifically, for CH4 fluxes (FCH4), the FLUXNET-CH4 gap-filling procedure includes filling gaps in meteorological variables with ERA-Interim reanalysis data and then gap-filling FCH4 using artificial neural networks (ANN) (Knox et al., 2019). Variables used to gap-fill FCH4 included air temperature (TA), downward-incoming shortwave radiation (SWin), wind speed (WS), air pressure (PA), and sine and cosine functions to represent seasonality. For the sites with additional half-hourly data that we assembled in this study, we used the same predictors to fill gaps in FCH4 except for gap-filling meteorological variables with ERA5 data. We used RF algorithm as it can fill gaps within 12 days with low normalized MAE for fens and bogs (Irvin et al., 2021). The R 2 of gap-filling models across sites ranged 0.35-0.89 (mean R 2 = 0.68). *GIEMS2 represents the minimum extents of northern wetlands. **GLWD provides a representation of the maximum extent of northern wetlands. ***These num...