The synthesis of semiconductor crystals with controllable size distribution, morphology, and uniformity influences their notable physicochemical properties, thus promoting applications in various fields. Herein, we report the high-gravity-tuned synthesis of a binary metal oxide semiconductor, silver bismuth chromate, AgBi(CrO 4 ) 2 . The high-gravity effect induces the formation of AgBi(CrO 4 ) 2 crystals with uniform size distributions and fusiform-like morphology at room temperature. By tuning the shearing and centrifugal forces of the high-gravity reactor, the aspect ratio of the fusiform-like AgBi(CrO 4 ) 2 crystal follows a quasiquadratic relation with the applied forces. The high-gravity effect makes the local concentration of the solution precursors rapidly approach the supersaturated nucleation concentration, which significantly promotes the nucleation and growth of the AgBi(CrO 4 ) 2 crystal. This work demonstrates feasibility to modulate the nucleation and growth kinetics of semiconductor crystals and exhibits the promises of high-gravity-tuned synthesis of semiconductor nanocrystals.