ABSTRACT. In order to elucidate the biochemical mechanisms operating to protect the brain from growth retardation in response to nutritional deprivation, comparisons were made of markers of cellular development in brain regions (cerebellum, cerebral cortex, midbrain + brainstem) and in a tissue which is not spared (heart). Nutritional status of neonatal rats was manipulated by increasing or decreasing the litter size beginning a t birth, and development of DNA, RNA, and proteins followed throughout the neonatal period. In addition, we assessed the activity and levels of ornithine decarboxylase and its metabolic products, the polyamines, which are known to coordinate macromolecule synthesis in immature tissue and to provide an early index of perturbed development. Cardiac ornithine decarboxylase and polyamines were altered within 48 h of initiating the changes in litter size, and the direction and magnitude of these biochemical effects were predictive of subsequent impairment or enhancement of organ growth and of cellular development. All three brain regions were buffered from growth alterations relative to the heart, but the cerebellum, which undergoes major phases of cell replication later than the other two regions, was somewhat less protected. The spared brain regions also showed evidence of compensatory hypertrophy in nutritional deprivation (increased protein/DNA ratio) which accounts for maintenance of growth in the presence of reduced cell numbers. Thus,-brain growth sparing involves specific cellular resDonses which are de~endent on the maturational profile of each brain region. -(~ediatu Res 22:599-604, 1987) Abbreviations ODC, ornithine decarboxylase ANOVA, analysis of varianceThe growth and development of the neonate are controlled, in large part, by nutritional status (1-3). Nevertheless, the developing nervous system is spared relative to the rest of the body, and although nutritionally induced reductions of brain size and cell number can be produced, these are generally of far smaller magnitude than those seen in nonneural tissues (1-3). Within the brain, a hierarchy of susceptibility to altered growth has been Received March 16. 1987 demonstrated, which depends primarily upon the maturational timetables for cellular replication and differentiation (1-3). The question remains. however, as to the mechanisms by which brain growth sparing occurs. Recent evidence has demonstrated that macromolecule synthesis during cellular replication is controlled through the ODC/polyamine pathway (4-6), and that early measurements of ODC activity and/or levels of the polyamines can predict subsequent toxicological or nutritional alterations of cellular maturation (6-1 1). In the current study, we have examined the biochemical basis of brain sparing through measurements of ODC, polyamines and macromolecules in brain regions and in a nonneuronal tissue whose growth is not spared (heart).The heart provides an excellent model for comparison with the brain because, like neuronal tissues, it ceases cellular replicatio...