The reactivity of two monoclonal antibodies recognizing NCA-95 and NCA-55 (MAb 47 and MAb 192, respectively) with a polyclonal anti-NCA serum in myeloid leukemic cells isolated by density gradient centrifugation was compared using an immunofluorescence test (IF). It was observed that the blood myeloid cells in 78.8% of the patients with different types of myelocytic leukemias and all granulocytes of 15 normal donors showed similar expression of the NCA species studied. The leukocytes of the remaining patients did not synthesize the NCA-95 species regardless of the maturation stage of the cells studied. In two patients, synthesis of this NCA form was limited to the fractions containing myelocytes and metamyelocytes. We have found that all anti-NCA antibodies studied recognized different antigenic epitopes in a myeloid cell series. A relationship between the patient's survival and the proportion of NCA-containing cells was also observed.