Designing the spatial profile of the superconducting gap -gap engineering -has long been recognized as an effective way of controlling quasiparticles in superconducting devices. In aluminum films, their thickness modulates the gap; therefore, standard fabrication of Al/AlOx/Al Josephson junctions, which relies on overlapping a thicker film on top of a thinner one, always results in gapengineered devices. Here we reconsider quasiparticle effects in superconducting qubits to explicitly account for the unavoidable asymmetry in the gap on the two sides of a Josephson junction. We find that different regimes can be encountered in which the quasiparticles have either similar densities in the two junction leads, or are largely confined to the lower-gap lead. Qualitatively, for similar densities the qubit's excited state population is lower but its relaxation rate higher than when the quasiparticles are confined; therefore, there is a potential trade-off between two desirable properties in a qubit.