Multi-gap Resistive Plate Chambers (MRPCs) [1] with multi-strip readout are considered to be the optimal detector candidate for the Time-of-Flight (ToF) wall in the Compressed Baryonic Matter (CBM) experiment. In the R&D phase MRPCs with different granularities, low-resistive materials and high voltage stack configurations were developed and tested. Here, we focus on two prototypes called HD-P2 and THU-strip, both with strips of 27 cm 2 length and low-resistive glass electrodes. The HD-P2 prototype has a single-stack configuration with 8 gaps while the THU-strip prototype is constructed in a double-stack configuration with 2 × 4 gaps. The performance results of these counters in terms of efficiency and time resolution carried out in a test beam time with heavy-ion beam at GSI in 2014 are presented in this proceeding.