DOI: 10.1097/ta.0000000000003750
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High-dose radiation exposure of cold-stored whole blood does not affect hemostatic function

Abstract: The need for blood transfusion will be high after a nuclear disaster, and nearby banked blood will be exposed to radiation. The results of this study suggest that hemostasis in irradiated blood is similar to non-irradiated blood and can be utilized for transfusion if needed.

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Cited by 2 publications
(12 citation statements)
References 19 publications
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“…The results demonstrate that the overall energy metabolome of platelets is not significantly affected by blood irradiation up to 75Gy. This supports our previous findings that platelet aggregation is not affected by radiation up to 75Gy 12 . We conclude that whole blood and platelets exposed to high doses of radiation could still be utilized for blood transfusion, which is crucial in a mass casualty situation where the need for blood and blood products will be high.…”
Section: Discussionsupporting
confidence: 91%
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“…The results demonstrate that the overall energy metabolome of platelets is not significantly affected by blood irradiation up to 75Gy. This supports our previous findings that platelet aggregation is not affected by radiation up to 75Gy 12 . We conclude that whole blood and platelets exposed to high doses of radiation could still be utilized for blood transfusion, which is crucial in a mass casualty situation where the need for blood and blood products will be high.…”
Section: Discussionsupporting
confidence: 91%
“…Although banked blood and blood products closest to ground zero may not be recoverable after a large blast, blood products located farther away may still be exposed to high levels of radiation. In this companion study to our initial study on the effect of radiation and storage on whole blood hemostasis, coagulation, and platelet function, 12 we asked if platelets within blood exposed to radiation up to 75Gy maintained their energy metabolome and could still be medically useful, especially in a time when blood will be urgently needed. Platelets have high energy requirements during clot formation, when they perform the necessary activities of aggregation, shape change, release of vesicles, and fibrinogen attachment.…”
Section: Discussionmentioning
confidence: 99%
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“…Overall, the results demonstrate that the energy metabolome of RBCs is not significantly affected by blood irradiation up to 75 Gy, suggesting that RBCs exposed to high doses of radiation could still be utilized for blood transfusion, especially in a mass casualty situation where the need for blood and blood products will be high. This is further supported by our previous findings that whole blood is also not significantly affected by radiation up to 75 Gy 27 …”
Section: Discussionsupporting
confidence: 89%