Among the various approximate methods used to study many-particle systems the simplest are mean-field theories, which map the interacting lattice problem onto an effective single-site model in an effective field. Based on the assumption that one can neglect non-local fluctuations, they allow to construct a comprehensive and thermodynamically consistent description of the system and calculate various properties, for example phase diagrams. Well-known examples for successful mean-field theories are the Weiss theory for spin models or the Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer theory for superconductivity. In the case of interacting electrons the proper choice of the mean-field becomes important. It turns out that a static description is no longer appropriate. Instead, a dynamical mean-field has to be introduced, leading to a complicated effective single-site problem, a so-called quantum impurity problem.This chapter gives an overview of the basics of dynamical mean-field theory and the techniques used to solve the effective quantum impurity problem. Some key results for models of interacting electrons, limitations as well as extensions that systematically include non-local physics are presented.
IntroductionStrongly correlated electron systems still present a major challenge for a theoretical treatment. The simplest model describing correlation effects in solids is the oneband Hubbard model [1,2,3] where we use the standard notation of second quantization to represent the electrons for a given lattice site R i and spin orientation σ by annihilation (creation) operators c