This paper is dedicated to Professor Rudolf Zahradnik on the occasion of his 70th birthday. One of us (M. U.) would never continued in his scientific work in theoretical chemistry without his help, advice and almost inexhaustible enthusiasm.Dipole moments of a series of radicals, OH, NO, NS, SF, SO, PO, ClO, CN, LiO, NO 2 , and ClO 2 were calculated by the Coupled Cluster CCSD(T) method with the single determinant restricted open shell Hartree-Fock (ROHF) reference. For all molecules theoretical dipole moments were carefully compared to experimental values. The size and the quality of the basis set were systematically improved. Spin adaptation in the ROHF-CCSD(T) method, largest single and double excitation amplitudes and the T 1 diagnostics were considered as indicators in the quality assessment of calculated dipole moments. For most molecules the accuracy within 0.01-0.03 D was readily obtained. For ClO and CN the spin adaptation was necessary -its contribution was as large as 0.03-0.045 D. Large deviation from experiment is observed for OH in its A 2 Σ + excited state (0.135 D) and especially for LiO in its 2 Π ground state (0.22 D). No indication of the failure of theoretical calculations was found which leads to the conclusion that, even if there is still a space for the improvement of theoretical calculations, experimental values should be reconsidered.