Recent in vivo studies have revealed that the subgenomic promoter (sgp) in brome mosaic bromovirus (BMV) RNA3 supports frequent homologous recombination events (R. Wierzchoslawski, A. Dzianott, and J. Bujarski, J. Virol. 78: [8552][8553][8554][8555][8556][8557][8558][8559][8560][8561][8562][8563][8564] 2004). In this paper, we describe an sgp-driven in vitro system that supports efficient RNA3 crossovers. A 1:1 mixture of two (؊)-sense RNA3 templates was copied with either a BMV replicase (RdRp) preparation or recombinant BMV protein 2a. The BMV replicase enzyme supported a lower recombination frequency than 2a, demonstrating a role of other viral and/or host factors. The described in vitro system will allow us to study the mechanism of homologous RNA recombination.RNA recombination is one of the fundamental aspects of the life cycle and evolution of RNA viruses and contributes significantly to a high level of variation in viral RNAs, as demonstrated by sequencing of virus populations (6,7,32,34,45,50,58) and with experimental in vivo systems for animal viruses (19, 31, 44, 51, 54), plant viruses (1, 2, 12, 15, 25, 35, 41, 53, 55, 59), bacteriophages (38), and retroviruses (40). In vitro recombination assays (reviewed in reference 21) revealed either a nonreplicative (breakage-religation) (22) or replicative (template switch) (3, 28, 30, 36) mechanism of crossover. During the template switch, a premature dissociation of the replicating enzyme from the donor RNA molecule is evidently facilitated by double-stranded structures (9, 10, 30, 43, 51), homopolymeric tracts (11), AU-rich motifs (29), or subgenomic promoters (23). The detached replicase then reinitiates synthesis on the acceptor RNA, either de novo, usually in the vicinity of promoters or enhancers (13,14,49,51), or via priming by the nascent 3Ј end of the newly synthesized RNA (43).Brome mosaic bromovirus (BMV) is a tripartite RNA virus with frequent homologous crossovers within the subgenomic promoter (sgp) region of the RNA3 segment (5,20,31,47). The junctions cluster within the sgp poly(A) tract and the core, plausibly due to replicase detachment during copying of (Ϫ) strands (56,57). Mutagenesis of the sgp demonstrated a partial overlap of recombination and transcription activities in vivo (56, 57), and end-to-end template switching events have been described for BMV RNA-dependent RNA synthesis in vitro (28). In this paper, we present the first sgp-mediated RNA virus homologous recombination system, where BMV RNA3 crossovers occur by copying with either BMV replicase isolated from virus-infected plants or Escherichia coli-expressed protein 2a, which is a catalytic subunit of the BMV replicase. The recombination frequencies and junction sites varied between the two enzymes, leading to assumptions about the mechanism of crossover.Plasmid pB3TP7 (27) was used to prepare two similar RW (Ϫ) RNA3 constructs (Fig.