The spin density wave instabilities in the quasi-one-dimensional metal (TMTSF) 2 ClO 4 are studied in the framework a matrix random phase approximation for intra-band and inter-band order parameters. Depending on the anion ordering potential V which measures the lattice doubling in the transverse direction, two different instabilities are possible. The SDW 0 state at low values of V is antiferromagnetic in b direction and has the critical temperature that decreases rapidly with V .The degenerated states SDW ± , stable at higher values of V , are superpositions of two magnetic orders, each one on its subfamily of chains. As V increases the ratio between two components of SDW ± tends to zero and the critical temperature increases asymptotically towards that of SDW instability for a system having perfect nesting and no anion order. At intermediate V , i.e. between the phases SDW 0 and SDW ± , the metallic state can persist down to T = 0. PACS 75.10. Lp, 75.10.Fv, 74.70.Kn