Metal-oxide semiconductors are widely used for thin-film transistors for flat-panel displays, but they do not seem to be limited to the conventional applications. In this review, emerging applications using metal-oxide semiconductor thin-film devices are reviewed, which may be novel killer applications in the future. First, the essential advantages are enumerated, and, next, based on the essential advantages, several proposals of emerging applications from many organizations are introduced. First, power devices using metal-oxide semiconductor thin-film devices are proposed, because they can be tolerant against high voltage, and the carrier mobility is high. Second, sensing devices are proposed, because the electrical characteristic can be sensitive to peripheral environment, and the thin-film devices can be fabricated on large areas with low cost. Third, thermoelectric devices are proposed, because the Seebeck coefficients can be improved, and the cost performance is the most important. Fourth, computing applications, including many kinds of related applications, are proposed, where various essential advantages are available each. Finally, neuromorphic systems are proposed, where the metal-oxide semiconductor thin-film devices have the potential possibility to be key components in neuromorphic systems for artificial intelligences, which are central concepts in smart societies.