Abstract. In this paper, we develop an iteration free backward semi-Lagrangian method for nonlinear guiding center models. We apply the fourth-order central difference scheme for the Poisson equation and employ the local cubic interpolation for the spatial discretization. A key problem in the time discretization is to find the characteristic curve arriving at each grid point which is the solution of a system of highly nonlinear ODEs with a self-consistency imposed by the Poisson equation. The proposed method is based on the error correction method recently developed by the authors. For the error correction method, we introduce a modified Euler's polygon and solve the induced asymptotically linear differential equation with the midpoint quadrature rule to get the error correction term. We prove that the proposed iteration free method has convergence order at least 3 in space and 2 in time in the sense of the L 2 -norm. In particular, it is shown that the proposed method has a good performance in computational cost together with better conservation properties in mass, the total kinetic energy, and the enstrophy compared to the conventional second-order methods. Numerical test results are presented to support the theoretical analysis and discuss the properties of the newly proposed scheme. 1. Introduction. The model problem we are concerned with is the guiding center model, which was developed for an efficient description of low-frequency turbulence and resulting transport phenomena in strongly magnetized plasmas. Instead of tracing the fast gyro-motions of charged particles under strong external magnetic fields, the guiding center model follows the evolution of the center of the fast gyro-motions, which allows an efficient description of charged particle dynamics under relatively slow electrostatic fluctuations ω e ω. Here, ω denotes the gyro-frequency of a charged particle. If we suppose a uniform external magnetic field and the plane perpendicular to the magnetic field, the density of the guiding centers of charged particles, which are interacting with each other through self-consistent electrostatic potential, satisfies the following form of nonlinear hyperbolic equation in the plane with a proper normalization: