REMEDi (Rapid EMErgency Drug identification; Bio-Rad) is an automated high performance liquid chromatographic (HPLC) system designed to detect, identify and measure a range of basic and neutral drugs in 0.5-1.0 mL of urine or plasma/serum. We have evaluated REMEDi in the analysis of the antiarrhythmic drug disopyramide in patient samples. The specimens were also analysed by a conventional HPLC method, based on solvent extraction and UV detection (254 nm), and by EMIT. There were good correlations between the results obtained with each method (r = 0.91 or greater). REMEDi gave a lower mean result than EMIT [means +/- SD (mg/L): REMEDi 2.64 +/- 1.10, EMIT 3.14 +/- 1.51; t = 4.0, p less than 0.01; n = 25], but there were no other significant differences in mean results. The principal disopyramide metabolite, mono-N-desalkyldisopyramide, did not interfere in any method. Clearly REMEDi can be used for therapeutic drug monitoring of disopyramide provided enough sample is available.