The technical aspects correlated with the observed enhancement of mass density and critical current density in the filaments of in situ MgB 2 wires by means of the recently developed Cold High Pressure Densification (CHPD) are reviewed. The present analysis first summarizes the results obtained by means of a short sample prototype device with anvil lengths of 39 mm. Pressures well above 1 GPa were applied to short wires, causing J c enhancements between a factor 1.5 and 2.3 at 4.2 K and 8 T. At 20 K, the enhancement is much stronger and reaches a factor 3 for binary and 5 for alloyed MgB 2 wires. Based on these results, an automatic machine has been developed allowing a sequential press/release/advance operation. With this machine, which has been very recently installed at GAP in Geneva, in situ MgB 2 wires of lengths up to 10 meters have so far been successfully densified, confirming the J c enhancements obtained with the short sample device. Using an improved anvil geometry, the wall friction was reduced with respect to the short sample prototype device, thus yielding the same J c enhancements, but at considerably lower applied pressures: now, J c max was obtained at 0.85 GPa, in contrast to values between 1.3 and 1.5 GPa for the short sample device. After densifying at this pressure, the value of J c = 1 x 10 4 A/cm 2 at 4.2 K was obtained at 13.2 T over 1 m length, thus corresponding to an enhancement by a factor 2.2 with respect to the non pressed wire. The present results are promising in view of the application of CHPD to industrial wire lengths.