OTFT technology has the potential to produce integrated circuits such as microprocessors [24] and amplifier circuits [25] with high mechanical flexibility. In particular, complementary integrated circuits combining both p-type and n-type OTFT devices possess many advantages including low power consumption in steady state operation, full-swing logic circuit output, and high noise margin. For these reasons, realizing complementary integrated circuits using reverse offset printing is highly desired, although the fabrication processes and device structures for them have not been fully established.In this study, we demonstrate organic complementary inverter circuits with a stacked structure using fully printed electrodes formed with reverse offset printing. Reverse offset printing and a silver nanoparticle inks sinterable at low temperature were adopted for the precise patterning of source, drain (S/D), and gate electrodes. The p-type and n-type semiconductor layers were also fabricated from solution, and exhibited effective mobilities of 0.41 and 0.2 cm 2 V −1 s −1 , respectively. The complementary inverter circuits using these OTFTs operated at a low supply voltage of 2.5 V with a gain of 14 and achieved high signal gain up to 25 at supply voltage 10 V.The silver (Ag) electrodes were patterned on a glass substrate using reverse offset printing with the process flow depicted in Figure 1a. There are three main steps in the reverse offset printing process: coating, patterning, and transfer. First, the silver ink was coated on the polydimethylsiloxane blanket with a slit coater (step 1: coating). Next, the unnecessary areas were removed from the blanket with a glass printing plate (step 2: patterning). Finally, the silver ink on the blanket was transferred to the substrate (step 3: transfer). Two kinds of silver nanoparticle inks sinterable at 120 °C were used for the source and drain (RAGT-36, DIC) and gate (RAGT-28, DIC) electrodes. Since the drying time between each step is an important factor for realizing high-resolution patterns, [22] the drying time was optimized for Ag nanoparticles. The thickness of the silver layers was controlled by the coating speed in the Step 1.The surface profile and the patterning resolution of the printed electrodes were evaluated using a stylus-type surface profiler (Dektak XT, Bruker) and an optical microscope. The cross-sectional profile (Figure 1b) indicates that the printed electrodes had uniform thicknesses of 100 nm, a flat top p-Type and n-type organic thin film transistors (OTFTs) and complementary inverter circuits with finely patterned electrodes are fabricated by reverse offset printing. The electrodes achieve a channel length of less than 3 µm under optimized printing conditions. High-performance OTFTs are fabricated using these electrodes and printed p-type and n-type organic semiconductors, each achieving a mobility of 0.2 cm 2 V −1 s −1 at a channel length of 50 µm. A complementary inverter circuit fabricated with a stacked OTFT structure is demonstrated using reverse o...