The capability of relatively high-speed short-range communications of Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUVs) in underwater scenarios, for example, for communication between vehicles or when the AUV is approaching a docking station for downloading of data gathered during a survey mission, is becoming a relevant application in the context of sea exploration and mining. In this paper the analysis of the J-pole antenna and two of its configurations namely Super J-pole and Collinear J-pole antennas are presented, aimed at improving the propagation distance and data rates when such antennas are installed on AUV for onward usage in underwater communications. The performance of these three antennas is assessed through simulation in fresh and sea water, operating in the High Frequency (HF) band. These antennas are compared in terms of bandwidth and directivity which are important elements in the transmission and reception of electromagnetic signals. The results obtained show that these antennas will be desirable both for improved data rates and propagation distance in fresh and sea water. The antennas were designed with FEKO electromagnetic simulation software.