Reaction between NOSbF6 and Cu(SbF6)2 in aHF yielded NOCu(SbF6)3. In the presence of H3OSbF6, single crystals of (H3O)0.2(NO)0.8Cu(SbF6)3 were grown from a saturated aHF solution. Both salts are isotypic and crystallize in the orthorhombic space group Pnma (No. 62) at 200 K. The main feature of their crystal structures are rings of CuF6 octahedra sharing apexes with SbF6 octahedra connected into 3‐D network. Single charged cations are located inside the cavities. Reaction between 0.25NOSbF6, 0.75NO2SbF6 and Cu(SbF6)2 in aHF yielded (NO)0.25(NO2)0.75Cu(SbF6)3 upon the crystallization. It crystallizes in the cubic space group Im3‾
(No. 204) at 200 K. Subsequent experiments with M(SbF6)2 (M=Cu, Zn) showed that, when the NO+ cations are partially or completely replaced by H3O+, the grown crystals of (H3O)0.125(NO)0.125(NO2)0.75Zn(SbF6)3 and (H3O)0.25(NO2)0.75M(SbF6)3 (M=Cu, Zn) are isotypic to (NO)0.25(NO2)0.75Cu(SbF6)3. Crystal structure of the latter demonstrates similar 3‐D structural motif as observed for the NOCu(SbF6)3 salt. The crystal structures of (H3O)0.64(NO2)0.36CuF(SbF6)2 and [Cu(H2O)6](SbF6)2 were also determined. Crystallizations of NOSbF6/O2SbF6 were carried out in aHF in different molar ratios. The crystal structure determinations of grown single crystals showed that they have the composition (NO)x(O2)1‐xSbF6 (x=0.17, 0.55 0.75) indicating that most likely all phases with x=0–1 exist. They are isotypic to NOSbF6.