Recently, we have reported a relatively high-T c superconductivity in Y 2 C 3 at 18 K whose T c could be changed by synthesis conditions from 10 to 18 K [G. Amano, S. Akutagawa, T. Muranaka, Y. Zenitani, J. Akimitsu, Superconductivity at 18 K in yttrium sesquicarbide system, Y 2 C 3 J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 73 (2004) 530.]. We synthesized a high-purity sample of the medium-T c phase in Y 2 C 3 and examined its physical properties in detail. From a specific heat measurement, DC(T c )/gT c value is calculated to be 6.50 and the superconducting gap is estimated to be 2D/k B T c Z5.40, indicating that the superconductivity in Y 2 C 3 can be described by an s-wave strong coupling regime. q