We report results of low-temperature magnetotransport and Hall measurements on single crystals of four-layered hexagonal (4H) and nine-layered rhombohedral (9R) BaRuO3 that provide insight into the structure-property relationships of BaRuO3 polymorphs. We found that 4H BaRuO3 possesses Fermi-liquid behavior down to the lowest temperature (T ) of our measurements, 1.8 K. On the other hand, 9R BaRuO3 was found to show a crossover in the temperature dependence of resistivity around 150 K, and the existence of two separate scattering rates at low temperatures. The magnetoresistance in the 9R BaRuO3 was found to be negative while that in the 4H BaRuO3 is positive. We propose that local moments may be present in 9R but not in 4H BaRuO3, which leads to distinctly different behavior in the two forms.