External seeded free-electron lasers (FELs) are compelling tools for generating fully coherent EUV and soft X-ray radiations. Echo-enabled harmonic generation (EEHG), the most typical representative of external seeded FELs, has witnessed a remarkable growth of fully coherent FELs in the last decade, continuously evolving towards higher harmonic conversions and shorter wavelengths. Ultra-high harmonic generation is imperative in the field of FELs. This paper presents a novel method for generating FEL radiation with ultra-high harmonic conversion, utilizing harmonic optical klystron in combination with EEHG. This method can effectively increase the harmonic conversion order to about 90. Theoretical analysis and numerical simulations show that intense and almost fully coherent FEL pulses can be generated with a wavelength of 3 nm. At the same time, the seed laser intensity required by this scheme is lower compared to nominal EEHG, thus facilitating the generation of high-repetition-rate seeded FELs.