Unit-resolution mass spectra have been obtained for peptides as large as 17 kDa, providing information on impurities and adduct ions, as well as accurate molecular weight values. Electrospray ionization produces many multiply-charged species of the same mass; isotopic peak resolution provides direct charge state assignment from the unit mass spacing of the isotopes. This is of special value when the spectrum also has many masses, such as from precursor ion dissociation or impurities. Mass measuring errors not only are concomitantly lower (<0.1 Da) than when the isotopic peaks are unresolved but also are independent of variations in '3C/12C natural isotopic abundances. Also, larger errors are avoided that occur when the measured peak envelope includes impurity or adduct ions. This also benefits tandem mass spectrometry; dissociation of peptide ions as large as 8.5 kDa yields fragment masses consistent (<0. (21)(22)(23)(24)(25)(26) can be used to measure simultaneously all such ions as large as 17 kDa with 50,000-80,000 resolving power and, by using an internal standard, with <0.1 Da (<6 ppm) mass errors. As reported here, this enhanced high-resolution capability is also valuable for characterizing impurities (6-8) adducts (9-11) and, by tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS) (3,7,8,(12)(13)(14)(15), amino acid sequences.EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURES Radio frequency-only quadrupole lenses and five stages of differential pumping are used to transport the ions electrosprayed at -103 torr to the FTMS ion-measurement cell at <10-8 torr in a 2.8-T magnet. A pulse of N2 gas is admitted to the ion cell to cool the ions translationally before measurement; other experimental details were as given (21-23).RESULTS AND DISCUSSION and the measured value (weighted average of isotopic peak values; external standard: gramicidin S, Mr = 1141) is 12,352.20 (12,358.22 for the most abundant isotopic peak).Note that a 5-per-mil shiftt in the 13C/'2C ratio would change the isotopically averaged molecular weight (centroid of the unresolved isotopic peaks) (1-18) by 0.3 Da but would only affect the abundances of the isotopic peaks, not their masses. These experimental procedures have not produced, to date, high-resolution ESI spectra of molecules as large as albumin (66 kDa), although its spectrum (Fig. 2)
was improved (22).By using a quadrupole mass spectrometer (6, 7), the ESI mass spectra of bovine ubiquitin, mMr 8559.62, showed peaks of measured masses 114.7 Da (6) and 115.1 Da (7) below those of the (M + nH)n+ ubiquitin peaks; § this was postulated (7) to result from an impurity missing the two carboxyl-terminal glycines, which would lower the mass by 114.04 Da. The ESI/FTMS mass spectrum of the same sample (7) (Fig. 3) shows an mMr of 8559.45 and peaks presumably from the same impurity at a mMr of 8445.43 (Am = 114.02). Additional anomalous peaks not resolved in the quadrupole spectra (6,7) give an average mMr of 8623.39 (Am = 63.94); replacing a valine by a tyrosine would increase the molecular weight by 63.99. As noted (23), ident...