Renal damage was assessed by histopathology and urinalysis in male Wistar rats treated with either hexachloro-1:3-butadiene (HCBD; a single 170-mg/kg ip dose that caused proximal tubule necrosis), adriamycin (ADR; a single 5-mg/kg ip dose that caused minimal glomerular changes up to 35 days), or HCBD given 2 wk after ADR and compared with age-matched control rats for 21 days. Urinalysis values in ADRtreated rats showed minimal renal changes. HCBD significantly elevated urine volume (10-fold), protein (5-fold), glucose (175-fold), and brush border enzymes (10-600-fold), indicating severe proximal tubular damage, but most parameters returned to pretreatment levels 6 days after treatment. In ADR-pretreated rats subsequently given HCBD, both the urinary alkaline phosphatase and the ratio of kidney : body weight were significantly higher for longer periods. Histopathology demonstrated that the HCBD-induced proximal tubular lesion was confined to the outer stripe of the outer medulla. Advanced regeneration and repair was evident 21 days after HCBD treatment. In the ADR-pretreated rats the HCBD-induced lesion was more severe and affected the entire cortex (24).Statistics. Statistically significant differences between groups were determined by 2-tailed Students' t-test, with p < 0.05 considered to be statistically significant.
UrinanalysisThere were no significant differences in the urinary parameters in the control and ADR groups ( (Fig. 1 a). Tubules were dilated and filled with homogenous eosinophilic material and necrotic epithelial cells. Signs of regeneration and restitution (i.e., tubular re-epithelialization and loss of tubular casts and debris) were evident by day 7 and complete 21 days after treatment (Fig. 1 b).Histologically, animals in the ADR/HCBD group showed much more extensive renal damage (Fig. 2a) when compared to those treated with HCBD alone (see Fig. 1 a). Extensive tubular damage was present throughout the entire cortex 2 days after HCBD treatment, and tubules were dilated and filled with homogeneous proteinaceous material. Sloughed necrotic calcified epithelial cells were observed in tubular lumens and casts extended deep into the medulla (Fig. 2b). Extensive calcification was evident by day 7 (which was not seen in the HCBD only group) and by day 21, regeneration, although apparent, was less advanced and marked tubular calcification was still evident (Fig. 2c). Table 2 summarizes the differences between the ADR/HCBD group and HCBD alone.
HistochemistryControl kidneys demonstrated normal GGT staining of the tubular epithelium of the outer stripe of the outer medulla (Fig. 3a). ADR caused no changes in this staining pattern. GGT staining in the outer stripe of the outer medulla was diminished 24 hr after HCBD treatment, was barely evident by day 3 (Fig. 3b) HCBD is a useful model toxin for damaging the proximal tubule. It is metabolized in the liver, ex-