DOI: 10.3389/fmars.2017.00405
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High-Resolution Liquid Chromatography Tandem Mass Spectrometry Enables Large Scale Molecular Characterization of Dissolved Organic Matter

Abstract: Dissolved organic matter (DOM) is arguably one of the most complex exometabolomes on earth, and is comprised of thousands of compounds, that together contribute more than 600 × 10 15 g carbon. This reservoir is primarily the product of interactions between the upper ocean's microbial food web, yet abiotic processes that occur over millennia have also modified many of its molecules. The compounds within this reservoir play important roles in determining the rate and extent of element exchange between inorganic … Show more

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Cited by 112 publications
(155 citation statements)
References 77 publications
(103 reference statements)
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“…2B). The numbers of spectral clusters and the range of formula stoichiometries observed in DOM produced from this single cyanobacterial isolate are roughly equivalent to the numbers of spectral network nodes and formulas observed in natural marine DOM extracts by Petras et al (2017). The viral and mechanical lysates contained more high-MW compounds than did the exudate DOM ( Fig.…”
Section: Resultssupporting
confidence: 55%
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“…2B). The numbers of spectral clusters and the range of formula stoichiometries observed in DOM produced from this single cyanobacterial isolate are roughly equivalent to the numbers of spectral network nodes and formulas observed in natural marine DOM extracts by Petras et al (2017). The viral and mechanical lysates contained more high-MW compounds than did the exudate DOM ( Fig.…”
Section: Resultssupporting
confidence: 55%
“…While candidate elemental formulas could be calculated for each cluster's intact mass (Supporting Information Table S1), none of the fragmentation patterns produced a clear MetFrag match that would indicate a particular molecular structure. Similarly low identification rates using spectral library matching were observed and some potential causes discussed by Petras et al (2017). In the absence of specific structural identification, we used elemental formula assignments (allowing for multiple assignments within parent mass uncertainty) in order to suggest at least the broad compound classes that these clusters might represent ( Fig.…”
Section: Differentially Abundant Low-mw Dom Componentsmentioning
confidence: 92%
“…Methods of querying the composition of DOM vary widely (Repeta ), from relatively coarse bulk characterization of elemental content (C, N, P, etc.) to more fine‐scale multivariate methods that analyze a subset of extracted compounds, ranging from chromatographic analysis of sugars (Goldberg et al ; Nelson et al ) or amino acids (Yamashita and Tanoue ), to high resolution mass spectrometry (Kido Soule et al ; Petras et al ). A subset of light‐absorbing DOM is fluorescent (fDOM), allowing multivariate spectral characterization of putative humic‐like, fulvic‐like and aromatic proteinaceous compounds (Coble ).…”
confidence: 99%
“…Coral reefs are highly productive ecosystems that thrive in oligotrophic tropical waters, in part by intense recycling of limited nutrients through a highly diverse and active microbial community (Raina et al 2009;Cardini et al 2015). Benthic primary producer communities in tropical reef ecosystems are dominated by hermatypic corals, macroalgae, sandassociated microphytobenthos, and a variety of encrusting organisms, primarily crustose coralline algae (CCA) and mixed turf algal assemblages (Hatcher 1988).…”
confidence: 99%
“…Although metal-binding small molecules have a variety of biological functions and many potential biomedical applications, it is currently challenging to find metal-binding compounds present in complex mixtures such as microbial culture extracts 15 , dissolved organic matter 16 , or fecal extracts 17 , and it is additionally challenging to assess metal-binding preferences. Predictions of small molecule structures using genome mining strategies have improved tremendously in recent years 18,19 ; however, it is still not possible to predict the selectivity and affinity of metal coordination sites, and it is even difficult to predict whether a small molecule contains a metal-binding site 20,21 .…”
Section: Mainmentioning
confidence: 99%