and finally, group simultaneously exposed to As and Cd (As/Cd 229 GROUP). Please cite this article as: García-Sevillano MÁ, et al, A combination of metallomics and metabolomics studies to evaluate the effects of metal interactions in mammals. Application to ..., J Prot (2014) hydrogen peroxide (4:1 v/v) was added. After 10 min, the PTFE 281 vessels were closed and introduced into the microwave oven.
282The mineralization was carried out at 400 W from room increased from 60 to 140°C at a rate of 7°C/min for 4 min. Then, peaks from cytosolic fractions of liver (Fig. 1).
448In Fig. 1 can be observed the presence of low molecular 449 mass As species (<300 Da) in liver cytosolic extracts analyzed by SEC-ICP-MS. The higher intensity of signals was obtained 451 from liver of mice exposed to As/Cd during 6 days (Fig. 1A), in 452 which As concentration is the highest (Table 2). In Fig. 1A Se concentrations determined by IDA-ICP-ORS-MS after acid 496 digestion (Table 3).
497The effect of mice independent exposure to As or Cd on plasma under Cd exposure (Table 3). However, the depletion 507 of SeP concentration is reversed under As/Cd exposure. Since Table 2 t2:1 -Quantification of arsenic and cadmium in plasma, liver and kidney of mice under As/Cd exposure by ICP-ORS-MS. Fig. 2 -Score plots of PLS-DA for ESI+ and ESI− ionization modes of polar and lipophilic metabolites from mice plasma. Black squares: control group; red circles: mice exposed to As during 12 days; green asterisk: mice exposed to Cd during 12 days; blue diamonds: mice exposed to As/Cd mice during 12 days. Finally, the increased levels of eGPx in plasma (Table 3) prediction. In addition, the complementarity of using both 542 ionization modes for polar and lipophilic metabolites is 543 remarkable (see Table 4).
544In addition, GC-MS was applied as complementary Table 5.
552These metabolic changes in GROUP As/Cd can be related to and increasing concentration in lactic acid under Cd exposure.
556However, As exposure produces a decrease of lactic acid levels 557 and As/Cd does not provoke any alteration in this metabolite 558 (Table 5). Further perturbations of energy metabolism interme-559 diates, such as citric acid, isocitric acid, α-ketoglutarate and 560 glutamic acid were also observed (Tables 4 and 5). Under As 561 exposure, increased concentrations of intermediate energy Please cite this article as: García-Sevillano MÁ, et al, A combination of metallomics and metabolomics studies to evaluate the effects of metal interactions in mammals. Application to ..., J Prot (2014), were obtained (Tables 4 and 5). This fact has been 563 previously reported in M. musculus mice exposed to arsenic [4] 564 and has been related with the synthesis of glutathione (GSH) [4].
565Under As/Cd exposure, similar effects were observed.
566Perturbations of amino acid concentrations related to toxic 567 exposure [30] can also be seen in Table 4, which shows decreasing 568 levels of taurine and alanine. (Ta...