Large scientific experimental facilities currently are generating a tremendous amount of data. In recent years, the significant growth of scientific data analysis has been observed across scientific research centers. Scientific experimental facilities are producing an unprecedented amount of data and facing new challenges to transfer the large data sets across multi continents. In particular, these days the data transfer is playing an important role in new scientific discoveries. The performance of distributed scientific environment is highly dependent on high-performance, adaptive, and robust network service infrastructures. To support large scale data transfer for extreme-scale distributed science, there is the need of high performance, scalable, end-to-end, and programmable networks that enable scientific applications to use the networks efficiently. We worked on the AmoebaNet solution to address the problems of a dynamic programmable network for bulk data transfer in extreme-scale distributed science environments. A major goal of the AmoebaNet project is to apply software-defined networking (SDN) technology to provide "Application-aware" network to facilitate bulk data transfer. We have prototyped AmoebaNet's SDN-enabled network service that allows application to dynamically program the networks at run-time for bulk data transfers. In this paper, we evaluated AmoebaNet solution with real world test cases and shown that how it efficiently and dynamically can use the networks for bulk data transfer in large-scale scientific environments. Appl. Sci. 2019, 9, 4541 2 of 17 for on-demand secure path reservation over the Wide Area Network (WAN), and these solutions also provide the automated, guaranteed bandwidth services for scientific workflows. The existing network paradigm for scientific workflows has been proven very successfully. However, it has been observed during our comprehensive study that the present network paradigm for an extreme-scale scientific data transfer job still needs some more improvements to reach its full potentials. We claimed that the current networking paradigm must address the following major problems: scalability, last mile, and dynamic programmability problems.The recent emerging concept in the network world is called Software-Defined Networking (SDN) [9][10][11]. This latest technology has been providing the new methods of configuration and management of networks. In SDN, the underlying network devices are simply considered as packets forwarding elements. It is possible to manage the control logic of the network centrally through a software program, which can effectively control the entire network behavior. In order to address such problems mentioned above, AmoebaNet [12] has been proposed.It is common to notice low efficiency in data movement when running the data transfer tools on DTN machines. Such inefficient data transmission is one of critical points in scientific data computing. Therefore, it is required to provide high-performance, predictable, and schedulable data movement...