Excited states of163 Hf were populated using the 94 Zr( 74 Ge,5n) reaction and the decay γ rays were measured with the Gammasphere spectrometer. Two previously known bands were extended to higher spins, and nine new bands were identified. In addition to bands associated with threeand five-quasiparticle configurations, two γ−vibrational bands coupled to the i 13/2 excitation were also observed. The lowest level of a newly-identified, negative-parity band is proposed to be the ground state of the nucleus. A systematic delay of the high-spin proton crossing frequency with increasing quadrupole deformation from 162 Hf to 172 Hf was established. Extensive band searches failed to reveal a triaxial, strongly-deformed structure in 163 Hf similar to the one observed in several nuclei around A ∼ 165.