Stresses, particularly those at geometric discontinuities, can influence structural integrity of engineering components. Motivated by the prevalence of cutouts in components, the objective of this paper is to demonstrate ability to stress analyze finite, circularly-perforated orthotropic composites whose external loading may be unknown. Recognizing difficulties in obtaining purely theoretical or numerical solutions, the paper presents a hybrid means of stress analyzing such structures. Individual stresses, including those on the edge of the hole, are obtained in a loaded finite graphite/epoxy composite tensile plate containing a round hole by processing measured values of a single displacement field with an Airy stress function in complex variables. Displacements are recorded by digital image correlation. Traction-free conditions are satisfied analytically at the edge of the hole using conformal mapping and analytic continuation. Stresses satisfy equilibrium and strains satisfy compatibility. Significant features of the technique include its wide applicability, it smooths the measured information, does not require knowing the applied loading, and the rigorous mechanics foundation by which strains are determined from measured displacements.