Bulk rutile RuO2 has long been considered a Pauli paramagnet. Here we report that RuO2 exhibits a hitherto undetected lattice distortion below approximately 900 K. The distortion is accompanied by antiferromagnetic order up to at least 300 K with a small room temperature magnetic moment of approximately 0.05 µB as evidenced by polarized neutron diffraction. Density functional theory plus U (DFT+U ) calculations indicate that antiferromagnetism is favored even for small values of the Hubbard U of the order of 1 eV. The antiferromagnetism may be traced to a Fermi surface instability, lifting the band degeneracy imposed by the rutile crystal field. The combination of high Néel temperature and small itinerant moments make RuO2 unique among ruthenate compounds and among oxide materials in general.PACS numbers: 74.70. Pq,75.50.Ee,75.30.Fv Theories of magnetism in 3d transition metal oxides (TMOs) are usually framed in the context of strong Coulomb repulsions and Hund's rule coupling in the 3d orbitals of the transition metal cation, and their covalent bonding with the oxygen 2p orbitals. Strong on-site electron interactions tend to inhibit double occupancy of the 3d orbital and the overall Coulomb energy of the crystal is lowered by localizing the valence charge of the cation. Covalent bonding delocalizes the d-electron charge and thus lowers the kinetic energy. The former mechanism favors the formation of local magnetic moments while the latter decreases the moment but increases the exchange coupling between the moments through virtual hopping processes. In particular, the anion-mediated KramersAnderson "superexchange" between half-filled 3d orbitals often gives rise to strong antiferromagnetism. Many 3d transition metal oxides can be classified as antiferromagnetic Mott insulators where the on-site Coulomb repulsion U exceeds the electronic band width W . has been reported to host hightemperature antiferromagnetism with a Néel temperature T N = 563 K [5]. Ruthenium dioxide (RuO 2 ), on the other hand, has been thought to fall in line with other binary 4d transition metal oxides [6]; it is a good metal [7] and believed to be Pauli paramagnetic [8]. From the point of view of correlated electron physics and magnetism, RuO 2 seems to be one of the least interesting 4d TMOs. From a technology perspective, however, RuO 2 is by far one of the most important oxides. It has numerous applications in electro-and heterogeneous catalysis, as electrode material in electrolytic cells, supercapacitors, batteries and fuel cells, and as diffusion barriers in microelectronic devices [9]. It owes its usefulness in part to its relatively high electrical conductivity combined with its excellent thermal and chemical stability [10]. For the technological applications little attention has been paid to the potential role of magnetism (with the exception of Ref.[11]), presumably because magnetism is generally believed to be non-existent in bulk RuO 2 .In this letter we report on the finding that RuO 2 is distorted from the rutile symmetry...