A few recent papers have been published addressing the The recession rates for 10 ؊6 -m-thick C interfaces in chemikinetics of C-interface removal 3-6 from SiC/SiC but under concal vapor infiltrated SiC reinforced with Nicalon fibers were ditions different from those used in our previous studies. In calculated from thermogravimetric data, assuming all of particular, either the C interfaces were generally thinner than the mass losses were due to C oxidation, and found to be the 10 Ϫ6 -m-thick interfaces in samples used in our work, or the consistent with the measured recession distances of the C environment contained significantly more O 2 . Filipuzzi et al. 3,4 interface, which were surprisingly uniform across the commeasured mass gains due to SiO 2 formation coupled with paraposite. Agreement between the two approaches for a microbolic mass-loss kinetics; however, the C interfaces in their structurally complex material indicates thermogravimetric samples were approximately 10 Ϫ7 m thick, and the environment analysis could be an important tool for understanding enviwas flowing pure O 2 . The parabolic behavior suggested that the ronmental effects in ceramic composites with reactive inter-C oxidation was largely controlled by transport of O 2 along faces. Mass losses were linear within the first 1.08 ؋ 10 4 s the interface region. A comprehensive model was developed to 2.16 ؋ 10 4 s between 1073 and 1373 K and between 3.1 ؋ that included the effects of SiO 2 pinching off the channels 10 2 and 2.5 ؋ 10 3 Pa O 2 . Calculated reaction orders with created by interface removal. Similar results were observed by respect to O 2 were between 0.5 and 1.0 at 1373 K, and Tortorelli et al. 5 In contrast, Eckel et al. 6 performed an oxidation activation energies were about 50 kJؒmol ؊1 . Analysis of the study on a C-cored SiC material that simulated the situation in kinetic data and estimates of gas boundary layer thickness an interface and found linear-parabolic kinetics in pure O 2 . A suggest the mechanism for the C-interface oxidation linear rate constant equal to 2.5 ϫ 10 Ϫ6 mиs Ϫ1 was determined involved reaction control, but the possibility of diffusion for the recession of the C core at 1073 K, and it was argued control for some conditions cannot be ruled out.that, under these conditions, the kinetics were controlled by the oxidation reaction.
I. IntroductionIn the present study, the rate of C-interface removal from a SiC/SiC composite material, whose mechanical properties were T IME-DEPENDENT crack growth, referred to as subcritical determined, 1 was investigated for a range of environmental crack growth or slow crack growth (SCG), likely controls conditions and sample characteristics not previously studied. the long-term life of ceramic matrix composite (CMC) strucSpecifically, the composite contained 10 Ϫ6 -m-thick C interfaces, tural materials at elevated temperatures when preexisting flaws and experimental temperatures were between 1073 and 1373 K are present. 1 Consequently, using CMCs in systems where longwith ...