While it is generally acknowledged that drought is one of the main abiotic factors affecting plant growth, how mineral nutrition is specifically and negatively affected by water deficit has received very little attention, other than being analyzed as a consequence of reduced growth. Therefore, Brassica napus plants were subjected to a gradual onset of water deficits (mild, severe, or severe extended), and leaves were analyzed at the ionomic, transcriptomic and metabolic levels. The number of Differentially Expressed Genes (DEGs) and of the most differentially accumulated metabolites increased from mild (525 DEGs, 57 metabolites) to severe (5454 DEGs, 78 metabolites) and severe extended (9346 DEGs, 95 metabolites) water deficit. Gene ontology enrichment analysis of the 11,747 DEGs identified revealed that ion transport was one of the most significant processes affected, even under mild water deficit, and this was also confirmed by the shift in ionomic composition (mostly micronutrients with a strong decrease in Mo, Fe, Zn, and Mn in leaves) that occurred well before growth reduction. The metabolomic data and most of the transcriptomic data suggested that well-known early leaf responses to drought such as phytohormone metabolism (ABA and JA), proline accumulation, and oxidative stress defense were induced later than repression of genes related to nutrient transport.